...how I have not missed you. Winter Chevy has a habit of being dead. Not like, "Ooo I'm too cold cuz I was made in Korea and I can't make my ponies go" kinda dead, but like, "I was fine a minute ago and then I got layed out by Skelator", kinda dead. Sometimes while driving, sometimes when I go to start her. No power at all. Not a light, not a click, not nothin. I clean terminals, tap solenoids, check distributors, try boosting. DeAd. Then just as I'm about to call the wife to come get me with the ironically Korean car, I twist the ignition + BOoM + way she goes like nothing was ever the matter. Thought I had it licked after cleaning the dist contacts last spring. But now that it's cold again she dies. Hmmm anybody have a good cheap 1/4 tonne they wanna sell me? Maybe winter Chevy should hibernate and be summer chevy only, but the heater works so well.

-25 C (-13 F for our American friends)

hmm brake light out, salt in the wound.
BolluX! fucking wires. didnt do that to much when i had it. Dad kinda though it was a ground short or something. read: many mutherfucking minutes moving about with my multimeter. I have a complete(ish) front wiring harness if you ever find it would help. Speaking of which, seeing as though its the drivers side break light, check that scabby electrical tape bullshit in the trunk by that light. That one can come unhooked by putting shit (like bike parts) in the trunk. If it is the bulb, remember the modern bulbs will only fit in the socket if you grind short the lead contacts on the cement or your fly. (make sure there's someone watching you do that) but now that i think about it, that's the light thats from a '84 monte carlo, so maybe it will fit.....
ReplyDeleteCuriously it ran like a fucking top all summer, never feeling Skelator's boney blade, but as soon as it's minus fucking 25 degrees out, yeah. Moisture (condensation) and the distributor is my best guess, but when I pulled it this summer I saw no cracks. Maybe it's a bare wire or some such thing getting humid. Anywho. The break light is just the brake light that's out when I take my foot off the brake the running light comes on fine. Changed the bulb (new one fit fine I think) so must be a loose ground or something.