Another creature emerges from the Little Cabin in the Woods Zombie factory.

Leaky valve make smoke, fowl plug, make putt putt. New plug makes for optimal muleage.
Funny dirt bike clutch ends up being not so funny.
Now on the to do list for Little Cabin Industries.

Leaky valve make smoke, fowl plug, make putt putt. New plug makes for optimal muleage.

Now on the to do list for Little Cabin Industries.

and complete and utter absence of one billy fukking sastard. I'm so ashamed. Thanks for the great pics and cool write up.
ReplyDeletekill? I WANT TO KILL!
ReplyDeleteBoy that triple sounds funny! not bad or wrong, just funny. Is it carbing at merely optimal muleage instead of "really good?", or is it just a little cold yet in yer vid.
ReplyDeleteI love that "welcome to.." shot. You look still drunk from yesterday, but adding today to the list of accomplishments. Nobody fux with aviator shades. Holly Fukk! Ninja! When Joely was here I left my silver aviators at your place! Please tell me you stashed 'em safely away for me and du keeps never ripped them off and is not wearing them in the afore mentioned "welcome too..." shot.
ReplyDeleteBike's a bit cold in the vid, but didn't sound too different once warm. I think once you had pipes on and set the mixture back to stock you'd be right as rain and maybe even better than optimally muled. I have yer shades.
ReplyDeleteYes, kill, HamBone. Next time we plan a blast fest we'll be sure to call. I forgot your love for things that go kahblamm.