I don't really know what to say about this. Sr.'n'me went and bought a 98 ace this evening. Or rather i should say, for Christmas Sr. (and Mom who is probably ok with not being referred to as a sastard of any sort) bought me this motorcycle. They both just have hearts'a gold. I guess doing a coupla bike trips has really meant a lot to me'n'pop. Life can be short, so you should have fun when you can. I think nothing but fun was had on the trips I've been on. in the rain some of us may have had more fun than others, but ninja you still looked way cooler than me. even with your rain gear on (over your other wet stuff hararar.) But yeah, wow. Mom and Dad sure never had a money tree when I was growing up but they were really careful to make sure a us kids had a rich and colourful childhood. And usually some sort of finiky, cantankerous machine to fart around on.
Now its gonna be a real long grueling wait till spring. Sr. even said, "'Fit wern't s'dern heavy, I'd say we shud take it to the undergroun' parking at th'Midtown and have a little go 'round down there!" But it does have more than a coupla pounds on his goose. I was tempted to "ride" it home on the back of the truck, but on the freeway that woulda meant windchill of -1000 and i just ain't that gangsta. So he's waiting for spring just as hard as I am, in anticipation of a good cruise on what should be a great bike. The first time i rode ninja's shadow I was hooked. But what i'm looking forward to most, and what I'm gonna love more than riding the bike, is the good fortune of having another (and I hope many more) motorcycle trip with my dad.
And the rest of you fukking bastards.

My birthday is pretty close to christmas and this year I was blown away by Sr.'s selection of a scotch that is absolutely superb. (yah. Single malt on my birthday. you'd think i must be real awesome, but it's not me its them.) Best highland I have ever had. Y'wanna try it? You know where i am.
Rad. I'll start working on yer Z-bars for that thing. I have enjoyed the luxury of a stock honda in the stable. Glad to hear you're gonna have a solid stallion to bomb out to the hills this year. Raise a glass of that Aber to Folks that r awesome enough to by a guy single malt and saddles. Three cheers.
ReplyDeleteFuck I dunno how you loaded those pics, but when I click on them they don't get bigger and it's killing me. Is that bike at your house? I need to see it bigger...soon
ReplyDeleteNah, sent it out w/Sr. so i cant even go sit on it. if ya wanna go see it, im going out on the monday feb 21st. Sr.'n'me are gonna start to hardtail the little twin. Britton style. He's also convinced me i can run it w/o the bat'ry. He calls this majik a condenser. (I think, cant recall for sure as I'm beerblogging now...)
ReplyDeleteYou going out just for the day? I might be able to make that. Could be super fun.