Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Flake fail

So the story goes this way. Sprayed a black base coat let it dry then sanded lightly for the the coats to come. Mixed my clear up and added the silver and gold flake. Strayed the first and second coat. Looking sweet! The notice something.... f@€k the base coat is starting to bubble. Well I still have a whole sprayer of clear and flake. whatever finish spraying. So guess what I am doing tomorrow fixing it. Sanding sanding sanding new base with different brand of paint then reflake. Wast of time and money. Fun times.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:N Rd,Saskatoon,Canada


  1. Balllz. Painting is gay. You got some bad ass disco size flake going on there though brother. Gonna b e a mad paint scheme on that zakkkkery

  2. ya the photoz is beauteeful. celeSTiaL disco at that. catches light like fireworks. sorry 'boutcher bubbles.
