Monday, July 25, 2011

more fRoM Medora

Hey! Don't look at my wiener!


  1. Some great pics of some great times!

  2. Yip. In that one pic of Billy it looks like he's about to shot gun that beer, but he was actually making out with it after ingesting some cactus and mushrooms we found in a ditch.

  3. hardy har har. damn you, you know i cant resist a dare! joke was on you tho, you hadta share the tent with my gutrot.

    damn good time. it was with great sorrow I left the road and returned to the regularly schedualed daily grind.
    new mule vernacular- "roaddiction"

    great pics ninja, thanx for doing that. much appreciated.

    remind me never to dig in du keeps pants pockets when he is still wearing them. dude is a serious homophob. I was just lookin for a dime...

    Old uncle BSAGeek knows more geek shit; there was and incident of buffalo road block inside Teddy R. park. to disperse them I approached them slowly with my hands high above my head and splayed my fingers to make myself look as large and imposing as possible. Uncle BSAGeek says it was likely the splayed fingers what dunnit. Horses, he says, are not alarmed by a closed fist. open hand with splayed fingers however looks like a claw to them and = scary as shit. could be the claw hand gesture also gives buffalos the creeps. Still can't decide if that was funny or dangerous.
