SHIIIIIT! this 21" front wheel obsession is killing me. So the simple bearing swap turned out to be a bust because the the 17mm ID bearings in the wheel with the busted hub turned out to be 2mm smaller OD making them 40mm not 42mm like the wheel I'm looking to use. No problem just need to buy 17x42 bearings...No such fucking thinG!!!! says rec supply, proline, and Bearing and Transmission. No...*#R%@(&^$...such...*%$^@#(%...FuckIng....Thing!!! What are the odds that a salvage yard has a return policy? FART!
Anyone have a Can-Am front hub that uses a 17mm axle? I think the TNT Enduros used the 17mm and the Qualifiers used the 15mm. ANYONE!? I know they exist because I've got a the cracked one. Mine's a black hub on a 40 spoke Sun alloy rim and it has 6203 bearings. There's also a silver one that uses 6303 bearings. Go look, everyone, right now, I'll wait... Mine looks like this: