Friday, July 16, 2010

Alley Donut

Don't worry, the neighbours grass is fine.
PS: No front brake, lotsa lean and just giv'r


  1. OH snap! Nice one. You'll have to teach me the way master. Unless of course this is a crop circle made with pine branches. Without a video it's hard to know for sure.

  2. Ohoho! It's just "on" then, eh? And thus begins the new series of videos about urban assaults with dirt bikes/hambone chopper hybrid. Spidie sense is tingling... i sense crimes are going to be comitted...and they will be stupid.

  3. So with hood drawn and sunglasses on Du Keeps is incognito? Anonimity was nearly achieved! And then the shadowy figure appeared on public domaine internet. D-oh!
