So you're sitting there thinking, "damn I got too many projects." and just then Lawrence calls. And man has he got my number. You just know when a guy says, " I've got the fastest bar stool on earth, but it needs finishing. You want it?", that it's gonna be added to the pile. As it turns out I've entered into a whole new sub-culture that is bar stool racing. It's a frightening place. http://barflyracers.com/
huh....uhh...wow. That's uhh...yep that's somthing. Fukk. That motor is way large enough to produce enough speed to totally kill people. Luckily, as mules we are blessed with all the good sense of uh...well a jackass i suppose. Whew! well at least good judgment isn't going to hinder the progress of that little death trap. Something will have to be done about the stability to keep that mofo from rolling over on the front corners. I'm sure your gonna name that bastard. I nominate "Granny Killer" as it reminds me of a medichair. (with a pint weilding occupant of course) or, speaking of "bastards" how bout Rich B!? There's a guy who's spent time on a barstool! Totally worthy.
ReplyDeleteAfter visiting the world of Bar stool racing online this evening I'm not convinced it's really my scene. Perhaps this tecumseh 5.5hp is destined for a lower go cart approach. We'll get the stool up and running for shits & giggles at the very least before it's sacrificed. One of the finishing items that has yet to be installed or designed is brakes. We're gonna need a wide open stretch of road.
ReplyDeleteWell that is quite ridiculous. But man what a great pub crawl if we all had one!
ReplyDeleteLawrence: Keeps, would you like that motorized bar stool of mine?
ReplyDeleteKeeps: Ha! No thanks! I've got enough junk, but call Ninja, he's a sucker for that crap!
i am calling you out. Your Bar stool VS. my tirumph.
ReplyDeleteOh dude. Yer one carb cleaning away from an ass kicking. This sucka's sportin' a 195cc Tecumseh that puts out a whopping 5.5 ponies of power. Let's do this thing!
ReplyDelete't'tha fux a tirumph??? Letz see that thing! what have you been hiding from us!!??
ReplyDeleteI think, like, a fricktion lever to apply direct pressure to the wheels would be the easiest and most effective depending on the compatability of the chosen materials....
ReplyDeleteI've got a few calipers and rotors kicking around. Thought I'd mount one directly to the axle rod and frame.
ReplyDeleteOn paper you would totally win. but my 66cc 2.5 horse skyhawk will do 70. i just don't know how your rig would handle that kinda speed and what happens when you want to take a corner? Here is the stakes for this race, a six pack of lucky. Seem Fair?
ReplyDeleteWhoa whoa. Turns? I thought this was a drag race! Although my rig is gonna be squarely as hell, I'll wager a sixer of lucky on any distance of straight track. Provided I can get the Granny Killah started.
ReplyDeleteHere is the race one block one way then a 180 then one block back. sound like we have a race?
ReplyDeleteYou fukkers make me SIKK!! Lucky fukkin Lager? Even pinhas creek is better than that fukkin weazel whizzel! Even 15w20 is better. And believe you me, I know my cheap shitty beer! At very least switch it up to the lucky force 8 so you get the smoothness of the high test malt liquor, as well as the added bonus of wasted to help smooth out the playing field and lubricate your little contest. Oh, right. My bad, the beer is for AFTER the race.
ReplyDeleteCause we all know that's gonna happen!!! Harararar!
do you have the race site picked or do we need a mule consensus about what piece of our great province constitutes "The Track".....
And for the love of crap!, hambone what machinery are you talking about!! the suspense is killing me!!!!