So no one makes a stock one for the Honda. So I bought this one originally for a CBX
When I got it the other day, as I suspected, it needed cutting to fit with my risers and drag bars. No problem. Checked it out online, got my technique for cutting plastic windscreens all figured out, bought the recommended blade and went at it.
Looks precarious as hell, but it was working quite well. You don't have to watch the whole thing you get the idea. Only my plastic was cheap ass. Sooo it cracked...just a little...but mostly it worked really good.
Then as I was mounting it to the cracked a little bit more....ballz...then a piece broke I tried to cut a little more off....oops...ballz..oh damn...ahg... BALlz ...bALLz.. ..Awh...COCK! Punish this you pile of busted plastic!
ThaT....fUkkIn SuhX. And woulda bin pritty frikkin cool. Better luck next time.
ReplyDelete"Suhx" no doubt! That woulda been sweet. Your technique was good, you just need to brace the plastic against the bench or something. That light stuff can't take much vibration. Holding it in your hand only cancels so much of it.
Ballz! I'll dig the look when you got it sorted!