Bought a new drum for the original Antiquated Mule as the sound of metal on metal braking finally got to me. I'd been hammering on the old one long enough and cursing loudly enough, for two days, that my neighbor finally took pity on me.

After suggesting that I first back-off the shoes with the adjusting screw I was a cm ahead of where I'd been for the past two days and with some judicious prying and cursing from both Richard and myself we managed to pop it free without damaging too many of the remaining 48 year old parts. But, with springs, retaining rings, levers and links all spilling onto the pavement and rolling every which way, Richard fled a hasty retreat. Who could blame him. But he did return, momentarily, to deliver a few exploded diagrams that he'd quickly printed off the net. Nice to have great neighbors who spent some time around the stocks. Cheers Richard.
hararar! another shiny part to add to its collection....