Monday, July 13, 2009

CB500 Response

In response to Du Keeps post below I thought I'd post this hot little CB bobber. Can't remember where I found it so if you own it and are pissed about me posting it then you should chillax.


  1. bad ass! Is that a twin or a 4? love the white wallZ. Speakin of which, the front tire on that cb dad and i are doing is an 18" so i would love that clip on white wall if you still got it. i finally located a old honda "teardrop" tank in asskqueef, sk. but buddy wants 100bux frit. insides clean though, and its already black!

  2. it's a cb500 so should be a 4. If I end up keepin the XS I'll be using the whitewallz afterall, but I can give you the name of the garage I ordered from. they were a hellovah lot cheaper than white tires lemee tell ya. $100 is steep. I've got that black xs400 tank if you like that.

  3. Hellz yeah, they would be just the thing on that delizzle chopper too! Or are you referring to a different 650? "whut?"....
    lemme know if any developements....
