Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Antiquated Shovel

The squares will freak out when they see this chopper
#murderbling #blackandchromewontgetuhome 
81 Shovelhead               

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Black Eyed Dog

Don't think I've posted anything of the finished Panhead since I got it done for Chop Meet. Here's a few pics. Still some tuning to do and a couple issues to resolve, but for my first complete motor assembly from the flywheels up and my first complete 4 speed transmission assembly I'm damn please with the results.

Chop Meet 4

Ok it's been a while, but I'm finally getting around to doing a chop meet 4 post. We had a great day as usual. Super weather (other than the torrential down pour Brian and I rode in to set up the swap), great people from across the country and some of the most amazing bikes I've seen.