Got some reading material from Brian over at fiftyshaze yesterday including an often overlooked, but rarely regretted Canadian made publication, Motorcycho (go get one, you won't be sorry). In it, is a great article by Tim Weaver.
I've been thinking a lot about these kinds of events lately. Old dirt track races, hillclimbs, field days, etc. Moto sports have become so specialized that it's imposible for the average joe to compete or even just have fun without an enclosed trailer of snap-on's and a million dollar machine. The days of running a street bike up a hill or a 2-stroke down the highway are all but gone.
So I'm taking Tim's challenge seriously and thinking about how we here at the Antiquated Mule can loosely organize some open events this summer. I'm already working on the possibility of plowing a dirt track oval out at the Sastard family farm and now want to look at some possibilities for an ad-hoc hillclimb as well. They'll be run-what-ya-brung events and if you crash and burn we can offer you a ride home or to the hospital, but the rest is on you. Anyone interested in helping to organize is welcome and anyone wanting to join in the fun is welcome.
Here's some classic shit to get you inspired.
Yes...I am inspired. Need to get that clunker's clutch sorted but quick.