Monday, March 15, 2010

2010's first RANDOM RADNESS!

I'm not really into fashion. I like to look current, but i fukkin hate to shop and I know enough about the subject to know I don't wanna look hip hop. Greased hair or most often little black toque with a shapely beard are intentional. As are, I suppose, the misc. visible body mods. Otherwise I'm a black t-shirt (pref. with a skull or motorcycle something) and jeans kinda guy. An image effortlessly cultivated. K, boring but a relevant preface to which i'm sure we can all relate.
I was out over the weekend with the mrs. and a small handful of offspring. We went downtown to the river to enjoy the unseasonable warm sunshine, and beautiful day stuff. Must mention i saw quite a few motorcycles. My ever classy DW was in need of a starbux, so I took my 4yr old girl ("I needa hava WHIZZ!") and ducked into a upscale hotel on the riverbank for a coffee and to use the facilities. On our way out of the john this yuppie woman was on her way in. There was a brief pause as we negotiated personal space and the cleaning guy's cart. As this woman looked at me she got the weirdest look. I've never seen anyone "smile" and look that disgusted before. It was priceless. I'm a smaller dude, 5'10"(almost) and no shoulders at all. A little punk lookin maybe, and both bearded and unshaven (check), but far from imposing. And there I was, in her hotel. That she paid money to stay in so she wouldn't have to deal with riff raff. How dare I. And with a little brown, girl in the men's can. We were just sucking the class right out of the hotel and her day. It was awesome. I beamed all the way back to my Mrs. and immediately related the anecdote. I felt somehow, like I was doing my job. And of course the best kind of job, is the kind you don't even have to work at.
Self indulgent ramble, eh? Harararar!


  1. Can't remember who said it, but " if you love what you do then you'll never work another day in your life." Keep up the lowbrow freak outs, yer fabulous.

  2. Whoops! another beer blog. oh well, ima dork. Hope it maydja laugh a little.
