i went in there needing a defferent throttle cable. the problem with the one i have is where it threads into the throttle grip well... it doesn't its too big. so i went there with the cable and the throttle body and told the guy what i wanted. it was the duoche bag with a thore hat with his wings coming out and a stupid goaty. ok whats the quesion they always ask? what is the cable off of?
Me: its a custom bike. i just need this same one but with smaller threads
DB: how am i going to find it with no part number?
ME: well one of you guys found this one for me.( which work for my other throttle)
DB: i can give you a number to a guy that can help you.
Me: how did the other guy find this one for me?
DB: he fluked out.
Me: really?!
DB: yeah.
ME: well can you go look in the back for it because i know you guys have it?
DB: we have like 14000 cables back there....
ME: fine i'll go look.
so he came back there with me. i looked for like 15mins while he just stood there.
finaly i said to him i guess i'll have to buy it from ebay. turned around and walked out. Hear me now " If i ever go back to that shit show there is somthing wrong with me!"
so to all you douche Bags at REC. Supply F**k you!
Hahahahah. Classic Rec Supply story. Okay. It's official. This is a new post series that must be continued. Any time you deal with these Douche Bags (cuz you know you'll go back eventually) and have an "experience", please right out the script, as seen above, and label your post with "rec supply service sucks my antiquated donkey ballz". I'm making a special link on the side bar of the blog just for these posts. There are now two. Although it may be painful please continue to gather new douche-baggery. These are too f-in funny.
ReplyDeleteHarararar. The geezers were always like "the man's trunna stick it to us, so we gotta stick it to the man." But now like what the fuck is this? Other bikers are stickin it to bikers? That real like "unbiker!" There just jealous of yer skillz.
ReplyDelete*note* What's with the f**king swear word censorship? Truly I say to thee, "The antiquated mule it a nothing if not a locker room atmosphere. Please FUCK loud and proud, especially for a cause you believe in." like exposing assholes. (*)
fuck on